Sunday, December 29, 2019

Touch Up On The English Language

How good are your English skills? Regardless of one’s English proficiency level it is a great idea to touch up on the English language prior to starting college and in the early days of college life. Vocabulary and fluency can frequently be improved with practice. Prior to Arriving At College Before beginning college it is can be helpful to study and retake practice English tests. Reading books with different dialects may broaden the students’ understanding of the English language. Reading books can expand vocabulary and how to utilize them in phrases. Watching television shows or movies in English will also be beneficial to the student prior to starting college. Watching television or movies will allow the student to not only hear new vocabulary and how it is used but also to watch body language and facial expressions to see how words go along with how peers interact with one another. Upon Arrival at College Practice will continue upon arrival at college as it becomes imperative to mingle with other students. A good way to practice English skills is to join groups or sports teams. These are fun ways to interact with other students while offering great opportunities to touch up on those English skills. Continuing to read newspapers or watch news on the television will give the student conversation pieces allowing them to be able to discuss current events with other students at their school. Sitting in front of the television too much would not be good for the student so it must be done in moderation. Although it may feel more comfortable to stick with groups of the same ethnicity the student must broaden their horizons and spend time with native speaking students as well. Being in diverse social circles will strengthen English language and communication skills. Both prior to and after beginning college a diary kept in English can offer a great way to practice both reading and writing in the English language. Keeping a diary will help the student keep track of thoughts and important events. The wording or vocabulary used in creating the diary is likely to be words that will come up in conversation at some point in the future. It will allow the student to reflect upon their thoughts and language. Stay Involved Even if communication seems difficult at first students must push through the discomfort and stay involved. The more practice by participating in real life conversations the student gets the more their English will improve. This not only means being socially active but also being an active participant in the classroom. Actively listening in the classroom and talking in discussions allow the vocabulary to grow and the student to understand how to phrase words in order to get their thoughts and ideas across. And remember: practice is essential. As the old saying goes â€Å"practice makes perfect†. The more efforts you put in, the greater results you will get.

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